Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Teton Tuesday: farewell to summer

As leaves fall with the temperature and autumn arrives on the ranch, I would like to send off summer with some final wildlife highlights recorded over the last couple of months. These videos require very little in terms of introduction, as I believe the animals speak for themselves…

These two juvenile cougars (likely siblings) were featured on this blog earlier in the summer. Here they are above the Haul road, looking as though they've put on a few lbs, but still have a few more to go- look at the size of those paws!

My last post focused on my troubles with a particularly mischievous bear. This video depicts the next generation learning how to make my life difficult in much the same way

The spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis) is one of the rarest and most elusive animals ever captured on one of my cameras. This video represents one of only a small handful of observations ever made of this species on Tejon.  
This large sounder is making do with what little moisture can be found so late in summer drought. It is easy to see what a destructive force a group this size can be upon the landscape.