Sunday, September 21, 2014

Restoration on the Olympic Peninsula

Elwha Dam constructed 1913, slated for demolition 2012. Photo by Larry Ward, Lower Elwha Fisheries Office (2005).

At the core of the Conservancy mission is to enhance and restore the native biodiversity and ecosystem values of Tejon Ranch.  The Conservancy’s Ranch-wide Management Plan presents a number of conservation activities directed at restoring streams and wetlands. We also love to hear about really positive stories of environmental restorations.  Please see this inspirational story of restoration from the Olympic Peninsula.  The Conservancy congratulates and thanks the many, many folks who steadfastly pursued the removal of the Elwha dams!  

World's Largest Dam Removal Unleashes U.S. River After Century of Electric Production

Consider how reaches of the Elwha River such as this might change with increased and punctuated flows, rather than controlled release. Photo courtesy of Elwha Jeff via Wiimedia Commons.

A map of the Elwha River watershed. Image courtesy of the National Park Service via Wikimedia Commons.